Serial No. | Teacher Name | Phone | ID Type | Last 6 Digit of ID No. | Address/Locality | Fraud With Bureau | Blacklist Reason |
1 | Maheshwari | 088256 09989** | Aadhar Card | 276476 | D/O Bellan, 5/518 ,onnatty,coonoor,Hettakal,The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu - 643236 | Inappropriate Behaviour with children | Inappropriate Behaviour with children.Fake identity proofs |
2 | Yogita khaiwal | 93120633** | Aadhar Card | 910341 | B 17 Second Floor Sanjay Nagar Sector 2 Rohini | | this Teacher is experienced but make alliance with parent. after many days they literally quarrel and she take away with advance taken fees. |
3 | Praful thakur nitin | 98739821xx ,98101851xx Praful** | Aadhar Card | 523944 | c-436 sector-1 rohini n D-276 Avantika Rohini Sector -3 Pin- 110085 Date: __/__/____ Place: - Delhi (PRAFULL KUMAR THAKUR) | Home Tuition Bureau | He used Abusive language and he not gave Commission of tuition bureau. |
4 | Tanya shokeen | 78389251** | other | Not given | Rohini delhi | Best tuition teacher | She has taken two class after that she takes fees from parents and discontinued the class , when we asked either continue tuition or return fees then she started abusing, it seems she has already mind makeup to do fraud. Her behaviour is pathetic. Her ema |
5 | Nida syed | 98119957** | Aadhar Card | 790714 | Cosy appartment sector 9 rohini | | Very bad behaviour with parents, abuses parents, when we investigated then found she was demand more fees when parents denied then she beaten child. |
6 | Tanvi Khattar | 80763178** | Aadhar Card | 359043 | Ashok vihar | Brilliant Brains Consultant | During demo class, direct deal with the parents |
7 | Shruti gupta | 70112551** | other | School id given | Rohini sector 5 | | Bad behaviour with parents and wasted too much tuitions to fixed alliance. |
8 | Saloni thakur | 93184625** | Aadhar Card | 796626 | Rohini sector 11 | | Run away with advance taken fees, blocked parents and tuition bureau no. |
9 | Uma Tiwari | 63864621** | Voter Card | 706404 | hakikat nagar, GTB Nagar, Delhi, | | Setup Alliance with Parent and when we got to know then misbehave and Challenge us |