After taking feedback of thousands of parents, Hiring Best Tuition Teacher for home tuition is Realy big deal. i got the conclussion that some parents have not idea How to deal with this problem. Let me solve your this problem and Parents can take benefits of my Ten year experience as a teacher as well as Tuition Bureau Owner and manager.
generally All tuition bureau follow the system of providing Home Tuition Teacher is: parents or students contact to the tuition bureau, tell them their requirement of teacher also discussed about fees and experience of the teacher then tuition bureau provide Trial class. some times parent do not satisfy with trial by one teacher then bureau provides trial with multiple teachers. after trial parent or student has to decide with which teacher they have to continue the class. that's it, this is the whole process of hiring home tuition teachers. there is some other but very important points are working here
Why some students are weak in study ?
i think firstly all the parents should know why their child is weak. i generally seen that weak students are weak because of their mind set, since their results was consistently low grade that's why a psychology of low performance automatically set in mind of weak students. firstly teachers should change this psychology by doing Tests of easy topics in which students can score more. once weak students gain confidence that they can also perform better in the exams then they will automatically work hard to perform better in further tests or in exams. now Teacher have to maintain this pshychology in the students.
sometimes i also seen that some students are weak in study because of their family invironment like some family do not surveillance the activity of child, sometimes parents know the activity of their child but do not stop to do wrong things. stoping the child to do wrong things is very important to make child obedient. obediency is not a overnight behaviour it takes many months to become child obedient sometimes it takes year. you have observed that all intelligent students are obedient.
How To know which Teacher is best for my child ?
in my point of view students and teacher have a psychological relation between them. i generally seen that experienced teacher have more ability to understand student's problembs, but i don't mean that the teacher who have less experience can not understand the students. it is depend on individuality of teachers. i also face that the teachers who have very much experience but fails in many times in trial classes but in same tuitions less experinced teachers are selected. it means those places where students psychology, teacher psychology and parents psychology are matched then that teachers are selected in that trial. i also agree that some Teachers Have extra ordinary talent to deal with students and parents. these types of teachers rarely fails in trial.
i am suggesting every parents please first judge your child, i mean what the the level of your child. i divided students into 3 levels. 1st one is intelligent students (those students who score above 85% in the final exams). 2nd one is moderate students (those students who score between 60% to 85% in the final exams) and 3rs type is weak students (those students who score less than 60% in the final exams).
i also devide teachers into 3 categories. first one is intelligent teachers some times i call it experienced teachers. these type of teachers are very less in count.
2nd one is moderate teachers, means those teachers who have intelligency but they are not hardworking or average intelligency but hard working. these type of teachers are very large in counting. sometimes their results are impressive.
3rd one is inexperienced teachers sometimes called low grade teachers. also they are very large in count. there result is never impressive. but i know when these teachers continue their career in teaching and gain experience in their teaching subjects then later there quality would definately impressive because if they make themself intelligent in their teaching subjects then they know how to make students intelligent in that subjects.
if intelligent students study with inexperienced teachers then definately student will face problem and it may be down the performance of students. i generally seen that inexperinced teachers take more time to solve any problems so that student will also feel that these problems are time taken. that may cause student slow for solving the problem. experience teachers have more than one way to solve the problems and things are remembered on tips so they can give reliable answers and fast. so in my point of view intelligent student should never hire inexperienced teachers. intelligent student will self understand the experience and problem solving ability of teacher in trial class.
if moderate students taught by intelligent or moderate teachers then it is high posibility to improvement in students performance but if these type of students taught by low grade teachers then it is posibility of down the perfirmance of the students.
for the weak students, Any types of Teacher is good because these types of students haven't big problems which would be problems for low grade teacher. i mean if teacher is low grade type then they generally face problems to solve the tough questions but student is already weak hence student never think about high end problems.
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